Tuesday, March 6, 2012

aspects of the self project


  1. Mirjana--you have an innate sense of drama in these works that is quite promising. I don't mind that you take the projects so much in your own direction, but I expect you to be much more explicit about the connections with the topics that we are covering in class, and in the readings and listening projects I assign you. Please make more of an effort--show more commitment--in this regard. It will be good for you--and good for the class.

    Setting yourself apart (like sitting on your own side of the table when I asked everyone to gather) is an example of the same phenomenon.

    It would help of you contributed more to the discussion, too. I told you at the outset that this course would be a challenge!

  2. That said, I think this is a powerful image--look forward to seeing it in class.

  3. thanks for the feedback, this was a painting I actually did for my art 8 class.. but I did something similar for this week's piece which I took from La Lopez Pereyra and El Pajarillo
